- To reply to a comment, open the plan in question and select the comment. The selected comment will be highlighted. To the right, the field Draft Reply to (Commenter/Approver Company) will appear. Enter a reply in the text field and click Send. Alternatively, click Save Draft for others to review before sending it to the commenter/approver.
A message for Internal Discussion only, which the other channel participant will never see, can be added to the plan. This allows channel participants to discuss comments and replies internally before publishing to the other channel participant. To post an internal message, enter a message and click Post.
After sending the reply, it appears in Aquila as follows:
Multiple replies can be sent and internal messages can be posted as well.
From the view of the commenter/approver, a reply is seen adjacent to the selected comment. A commenter/approver can then send a reply to the channel responder to further discuss and agree upon what needs to change in a plan.
For a responder to add a revision to a plan, see Add a Revision for instructions.
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